Paolo Loschi – Polline Blu

July, 22nd – August 11th 2023

Paolo Loschi
Blue Pollen
by Maria Gabriella Damiani

Opening July, 22nd 7:30 pm

July, 22nd – August, 11th 2023

Orizzonti Arte Contemporanea
Piazzetta Cattedrale, Historical Centre, Ostuni

The Orizzonti Arte Contemporanea Gallery in Ostuni presents the fifth exhibition in the newly created Project Room on Saturday, July 22nd, 2023 at 7.30 pm. Blue Pollen, this is the title of the solo show by Paolo Loschi, an artist whose work the Gallery has been curating for a very long time and in this case, the Director wish to personally present it.

Here is how Maria Gabriella Damiani, gallery owner of the Orizzonti and curator of the exhibition, explains the work of Paolo Loschi:

What weight does music have in art?

There are many artists, today as in the past, who let themselves be inspired by the power of music, enhancing that ingenious flicker of the gesture, sublimating it with the fluidity of the brush and colours.

And what about love?
How much literature, how much poetry has been inspired by those uncontrollable amorous impulses that have pushed the lover to overcome himself and surrender to immortality through his own verses, stories, poems, novels, paintings and colours.
And so, even in Paolo Loschi’s world, music is an integral part of his artistic / cultural background so much that he defines himself as “a painter with a good ear”; but if we talk about Loschi we absolutely cannot fail to talk about spirituality, which is certainly not an ecclesiastical spirituality but that sweet intrusive pain that drives you to measure yourself every day and that at the end of the game, but with many difficulties , elevates you, redeems you from those basic feelings that enslave the immature man and brings you as close as humanly possible to the idea that your soul had of you, before the famous mists of time.

And just like a castaway, an artist without his last work, like the Major Arcanum of the Hanged Man, like an Angel in search of his sparring partner, Loschi fishes himself out of the infinity of his past and returns to the present fresh new, finding in that poetic and colourful gesture that part of itself that remained suspended, as if awaiting fulfilment, that fulfilment that only love with the maturity of the soul can give.

From his fluid, musical brush, pushed by the sweet and persuasive sound of a trumpet, strange characters re-emerge, orchestra conductors, nascent angels, a little elusive, a little intuitively irreverent, imbued with colour and soft in their gestures, full of musicality, movement and spirituality. Orchestra conductors standing on the podium, suspended, waiting for the orchestra to begin or perhaps still, stretched out into the void as if to underline the importance of a pause, or a syncope; wandering angels surrounded by that blue pollen that fertilizes souls waiting to find their own to which to give the possibility of earthly redemption.

And so, Paolo Loschi remains, as well as his orchestra conductors, as well as his earthly Angels, standing in front of his untouched canvas waiting to pick up the hiss of his wand to start the duel against those infinite anonymous canvases… and suddenly a doubt assails me: what if they weren’t canvases? And if instead they were mills?

In his work we recognize the extreme synthesis of the informal style of Licini, the abstract expressionism of Cobra, of the graffiti of Basquiat, those fantastic and colourful characters of Klee, but Loschi’s gesture and his pictorial code are the sum of all gestures, now highly recognizable, in the sign as well as in the colour. A mature, dense, full-bodied gesture, sometimes fast, sometimes slow, a gesture now “to remove”, as per the great lesson of Miles Davis, sometimes violent, sometimes very sweet, as sweet as love is, sometimes long, sometimes deep, “as deep is the sea”.

Playing his colours, painting his music, his love for life, his passion, himself, in a tumult of emotions that swirl from the present to the past to finally join him to the future, this is Paolo Loschi’s ultimate goal. A struggle with the canvases but above all with himself, to make himself better, as a man and as an artist, just as our Angels want for us. That infinite duel of life as infinite is the Universal Love that animates Loschi, a love that is not envious but respectful, which does not enjoy injustice but is pleased with the truth; a mature, powerful love that covers all, believes all, hopes all, bears all, without end. A mysterious, persuasive, penetrating love, like music, like the sky, like the stars, like God… will it ever stop?

Maria Gabriella Damiani

Paolo Loschi
Blue Pollen
by Maria Gabriella Damiani

Opening July, 22nd 7:30 pm
July, 22nd – August, 11th 2023

Piazzetta Cattedrale (Historical Centre)
72017 Ostuni (Br)
Tel. 0831.335373 – Cell. 348.8032506 –
F: Orizzontiartecontemporanea
Communication Manager
Amalia Di Lanno –

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