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Bard (AO) – It’s not every day you meet Steve McCurry. Most of you have probably seen a photograph of him at least once in his life. “Afghan Girl”, a portrait of Sharbat Gula, is considered by National Geographic – which published it as the cover in the June 1985 issue – the most recognized photograph in the history of the magazine. wonderful, the Forte di Bard. Before us, he was interviewed by the RAI troupe and shortly after it would already be the turn of another TV.
We don’t have much time available and therefore we just have to start this pleasant chat in his company, starting from the value that he himself gives to the passing of the minutes.
Buongiorno Steve, prima di partire con le domande, volevamo ringraziarla da parte di tutta la redazione di Italia Che Cambia per aver accettato il nostro invito. Partiamo proprio da una sua affermazione: “Se sai aspettare le persone si dimenticano della tua macchina fotografica e la loro anima esce allo scoperto”. Qual è il suo rapporto con il tempo?
In photography, when you have to photograph people, you need time to be comfortable with them and for them to be confident with you, in order to establish some sort of connection. And so begins this relationship which ends, hopefully, in a good photograph.
Ha avuto modo di fotografare le meraviglie di questo mondo, le bellezze della natura e le bellezze umane. Ha anche avuto modo di vivere in prima persona le vicende meno belle del nostro pianeta. Ha ad oggi una visione positiva o negativa del futuro?
I have been traveling around the world for 45 years and have seen a lot of terrible things and a lot of wonderful things, interesting people and cultures. I think the future of our planet is in our hands and the optimistic side will win. It will take a lot of work, a lot of time and a lot of struggles. There are so many negative forces in the world that we have to fight against. I think we can fight together for our environment, against all forms of racism, against anyone who disfigures our planet.
Perché secondo lei la fotografia della Ragazza Afgana è divenuta così famosa? Crede che possieda qualcosa di particolare e diverso delle altre sue fotografie?
The success of this photograph or why this photograph became famous must probably be left to an art critic or a historian. One could speculate about it. It’s really hard to know the reason, I suppose there are a lot of reasons that led to this success.

Qual è la foto che ricorda con più piacere e che è dentro il suo cuore?
I’ve never had a favorite photograph of mine, maybe some of my favorite photographs were taken by other photographers, but as far as my works go I like different photographs for different reasons. I can’t pick one and say it’s my favorite.
Qual è il senso per lei della fotografia? Qual è il suo ruolo nella nostra società? Quanto è cambiato tale ruolo da quando lei attraversò il Pakistan e l’Afghanistan travestito con abiti tradizionali nel 1980?
For me, photography and photographs from a printed publication have not changed their role at all. Now we look at the photographs on the computer and this is certainly a big difference, but I work mainly for books and exhibitions. Then yes, I have a website, a blog, Instagram, but my heart is in the printed pages and in the exhibitions.
Cosa c’è nel suo futuro?
My next goal is to make a book on Buddhism. Buddhist culture, Buddhist nations, practicing Buddhism in different nations like in Japan, and it has developed all over the world. This is my interest, my future project on which I will work.

Cosa pensa dell’Italia come uomo e come fotografo?
I love working in Italy. I love being in Italy. My first trip to this country was in 1970. I have been here many times, appreciating its culture, people, art, food, wine. It is one of my favorite places in the world.
L’immagine Gateway to India, rappresenta due mondi che si incontrano, l’Occidente e l’Oriente. Pensa che le disuguaglianze nel mondo che lei ha saputo magistralmente documentare, nel corso degli anni, aumenteranno o diminuiranno?
Inequality has always existed, in Asia, in the global South. Inequalities exist everywhere. I think and hope that the world is changing, and that we will be able to alleviate some of the stress and disparity that exists between the rich and the poor. I will not be able to see all this, but it is just a difference between East and West, inequality exists everywhere.
Una delle cose più importanti nel suo lavoro, diceva, era quello di scegliersi dei collaboratori valorosi. È stato difficile trovarli?
I have worked with many wonderful people over the years: assistants, translators, guides, other photographers. It’s an exciting job, mostly with local people, from the places I’ve been.

Il nostro giornale è chiamato “Italia Che Cambia”. Ci piace così chiedere a chi incontriamo qual è il loro rapporto con il cambiamento. Che cosa significa per lei questa parola?
Change is unstoppable and we must rely on it, even if it is sometimes good or sometimes not. One thing is certain that the world is limited. There is a limited time, we must live life to the best of our ability because it is not infinite, we simply have to accept it and go further.
Cosa fa Steve McCurry quando non ha una macchina fotografica tra le mani?
When I’m not photographing I like to read, listen to music. I love watching movies. I love to travel, even if I’m not working, this is my passion and it never stopped.
Let’s add that, when he is traveling, what Steve mainly does is photograph. So it is really true that when your desire is taken care of and followed daily, it can no longer be considered a job, but a continuous research that cannot stop, and that will continue every day, step by step, shot after shot.