
Pure colors, large drafts and pasty close-up pictures that tell the joie de vivre, simple gestures of characters observed in the dynamism of their lives, stopped on the canvas with subtle irony. Among the many topics proposed by Gerdine Duijsens, everyone always solar, acrylic paintings and charcoal on linen fabric of medium and large size, we are above all its magnificent orchestras or people who prefer the joy of the table and parties.

In the … work of the painter, the intensity of the palette is associated with the efficacy of a fast section that defines, for large volumes, shapes, and things with color spread directly on the canvas usually without any intermediate steps involving the execution of sketches or preparatory drawings on the media. The eye, quickly scrolling through the images of festive characters moving contours often undefined, it lingers in the observation of some small details that the artist shows with well-defined traits: crystal wine glasses filled with red wine, dark glass bottles on time labeled. The universe of Gerdine seems to be so focused on the representation of moments of intense happiness that alienate man from the burdens of everyday life and make it free for a limited time to enjoy the pleasures of the table, and nose upward, almost heedless of everything the rest.
The study of color spread for the broad masses and often compared with his wisdom revealing the complementary knowledge of much of the nineteenth century French painting as the ironic tone with which the artist outlines the traits of his characters that invite participation in their banquets , may bring to mind the themes dear to the caricature of our twentieth century up to the extraordinary works of Maccari.
(Valentina White, art historian)

Artist run in sharing with the architect Francesca Romana Marino, Rome.